Used as reducing agent or mordant agent in making sulphur dyes, as flotation agent in non-ferrous metallurgical industry, as mordant agent for cotton dying, used In tanner industry, in pharmacy industry making some phenacetin, in electroplate industry, for hydriding galvanize.The anhydrous substance is a whitecrystal, easily deliquescent, and has asolubility in water (15.4G/lOOmLwater at 10 °C.And 57.2G/OOmLwater at 90 °C.). When it reacts withacid, hydrogen sulfide is generated.Slightly soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether. The aqueous solution isstrongly alkaline, so it is also calledsulfide alkali. Dissolved in sulfurgenerated sodium polysulfide.Industrial products often containimpurities for pink, brown red, yellow block.Corrosive, toxic.In the airoxidation of sodium thiosulfate.